DSP Laser Controller For CO2 Laser Engraver

SKU: 130007

Sale price$411.00
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 Laser Engraving Control System

RDLC320 system is a new generation system for control of laser engraving and cutting, which is developed by RD Co., Ltd. In addition to high hardware stability, high voltage or static electricity rejection, and friendly man-machine operation, this system is provided with stronger software function including perfect 3-axle motion control function, large-capacity file storage, two-channel adjustable digits, analog laser power control interface, USB driver of stronger compatibility, multi-channel general/special IO control, and realtime clock and battery integrated for hardware encrypt. 


User's manual


Power Feature   Only one-way 24V (compatible with 36V for power supply, but not recommended)
Laser Port Feature   Two-way digits and two-way analog port, settable independently and non-interacted
USB Feature Copying Speed Quick
Compatibility Support all USB disks with different capacities
Memory Feature Capacity 256M
Fault Tolerance Capable of checking defective track and formatting and good in fault tolerance
General IO Feature Input Port 4 ways (two for general, two for specialties)
Output Port 4-ways (500mA high current for each, OC output, two for general, two for specialties)
Software Feature Power-off restart for Engraving YES
Online Modification Laser Power/Speed YES
Multi-origin Logics YES
Parameter Backup Logics YES
Work time Preview  YES(the work time accurate to 1ms)
Online  Updata Startup Display YES
Online  Updata Mainboard Program YES
Motion-axle Feature Soft Spacing YES
Hard Spacing YES
Z-axle Linkage YES
Feeding Feature Single/double direction for option
Power-on Resetting Configurable for each axes
Key Speed Configurable
Axles 3 (Z axes is configurable to flat or feedin axes)
Encryption Feature   Realtime clock and battery integrated for hardware encryption


Installation Size of IO Interface Board
The unit of all sizes is millimeter (mm) and the size accurate to 0.1mm.


Introduction to the Keys
1.Reset key
On any interfaces, press the Reset key (or when the system is powered) and the mainboard will be reset.
2.Laser key
On the system idle interface, the work finished interface, the system paused interface and the interface to prompt whether to de-energize for continuous engraving, press the “Laser” key and the laser outputs on the bursting. The time of open laser may be set. If the time is set to zero, then the outputting time is the time when the “Laser” key is pressed, that is to say, press this key for outputting and release it for blanking. If the time is not zero, such as, 100ms, then the laser flash 100ms when you push down the laser key. You can press the “Down” key on pressing the “Laser” key to start manual cutting. The laser energy of burst is the maximum energy value set on the keyboard. It is no use to press the “Laser” key on other interfaces. If the water protector is started and something wrong happens to the protector, no laser will be outputted after the laser and the interface prompts dislocation

3.Max. Power key

On four main interfaces (i.e. idle system, running system and suspended system, work finished interface) this key can be pressed. On pressing this key, if the manufacturer only provides a single laser tube or if there is a double-path laser tube, but the user only enables one path, it only shows the maximum energy of this-path laser tube .
4. Min. Power key
The display interface and the operating mode of this key are similar to those of the “MaxPower” key
5.Speed key
On four main interfaces (i.e. idle system, running system and suspended system, work finished interface) this key can be pressed.
6. File key
Press the “File” key in the idle system interface or the work finished interface and two pages will appear. Press the “Up” and “Down” key and you can turn the pages up and down.
7.Start/Pause key
Under the four main interfaces it is ok to press the Start/Pause key. Press this key on the system idle interface or work finished interface, the selected file will be processed. Press this key under the running system interface, and the work will be suspended. Press this key under the suspended system interface, and the suspended work will continue.
8. Origin key
It will respond when this key is pressed under the idle system interface or the work finished interface. If the single setpoint logic is selected by the system, press this key and the mainboard will take the current X/Y-axle position of the machine as the relative origin of the figure; if the multiple setpoint logic is selected by the system, it is invalid to press this key at any time.
9. Frame key
It is valid to press this key under the idle system interface and the work finished interface. Press this key and the bordering will be operated on the currently selected file.
10.Esc and Enter key
Press the Esc or Enter key under different interfaces means to confirm or deny this operation
11. Directional Keys (Up, Down, Left and Right keys)
In addition to being used for modifying parameters and moving the cursor as abovementioned, the directional keys can be used to move the kinematic axis under such three interfaces as idle, suspended system or work finished interface. Under such three interfaces, press the Left and Right keys to move X axis and press the Up and Down keys to move Y axis. If the inching distance is set at 0, the moving time means the time of pressing this key, which means that movement starts after the one of the keys is pressed and movement stops after the keys are released. Where the inching distance is not 0, the corresponding axis will move for the corresponding inching distance after one of the directional keys is pressed once. In the movement processing the speed can be increased or reduced automatically in order to reach the maximum/minimum coordinates. The maximum speed of key movement is the speed value set on the keyboard when the system lies idle.
12.Fn key (Function key) in the middle of directional keys
The Fn key can be pressed when the system is idle or the work is finished.


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